Sexual reproduction in the fungal foliar pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici is driven by antagonistic density-dependence mechanisms

Sexual reproduction in the fungal foliar pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici is driven by antagonistic density-dependence mechanisms
Microbial Ecology

Frédéric Suffert, Ghislain Delestre, Sandrine Gélisse


The Enhancement of Plant Disease Resistance Using CRISPR/Cas9 Technology

The Enhancement of Plant Disease Resistance Using CRISPR/Cas9 Technology
Frontiers Plant Science

Virginia M. G. Borrelli, Vittoria Brambilla, Peter Rogowsky, Adriano Marocco and Alessandra Lanubile


Genomic Structural Variations Affecting Virulence During Clonal Expansion of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae Biovar 3 in Europe

Genomic Structural Variations Affecting Virulence During Clonal Expansion of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae Biovar 3 in Europe
Frontiers Microbiology

Giuseppe Firrao, Emanuela Torelli, Cesare Polano, Patrizia Ferrante, Francesca Ferrini, Marta Martini, Simone Marcelletti, Marco Scortichini3 and Paolo Ermacora


The Genome Biology of Effector Gene Evolution in Filamentous Plant Pathogens

The Genome Biology of Effector Gene Evolution in Filamentous Plant Pathogens
Annual Reviwer of Phytopthology

Andrea Sánchez-Vallet, Simone Fouché,1 Isabelle Fudal,2 Fanny E. Hartmann,3 Jessica L. Soyer,2 Aurélien Tellier,4 and Daniel Croll5


Xylella fastidiosa: Insights into an Emerging Plant Pathogen

Xylella fastidiosa: Insights into an Emerging Plant Pathogen
Annual review of Phytopathology

Anne Sicard, Adam R. Zeilinger, Mathieu Vanhove, Tyler E. Schartel, Dylan J. Beal, Matthew P. Daugherty, and Rodrigo P.P. Almeida


The Future of Nanotechnology in Plant Pathology

The Future of Nanotechnology in Plant Pathology
Annual Review of Phytopathology

Wade Elmer and Jason C. White


CRISPR Crops: Plant Genome Editing Toward Disease Resistance

CRISPR Crops: Plant Genome Editing Toward Disease Resistance
Annual Review of Phytopathology

Thorsten Langner, Sophien Kamoun, and Khaoula Belhaj
