J. Delcán, C. Moyano, R. Raposo, P. Melgarejo
doi: 10.4454/jpp.v84i1.1081
Different methods were used to store a collection of field isolates of B. cinerea. Five isolates each of the fungus were stored: (i) in silica gel at 4ºC, (ii) in sand at 4ºC, (iii) in potato dextrose agar slants at 4ºC, (iv) as dry spores in tubes at –20ºC, or (v) as spores in glycerol (20%) at –20ºC. Different characteristics were tested after 1, 2 and 4 years of storage. Viability was poor when spores were stored dried, and contamination was frequent when stored in potato dextrose agar. Linear growth rates of cultures stored for 4 years were similar to initial values, except for one isolate in sand (9% reduction) and for another in glycerol (14% reduction). Sclerotia size and sporulation were reduced after 4 years of storage, independently of the method used. Fungicide resistance to procymidone changed to sensitive in all the isolates, except for one isolate, after four years of storage, also regardless of the storage method used. Storage in sand at 4ºC or in glycerol at –20ºC were the best methods for preserving B. cinerea isolates.