The Plant Protection Service of Emilia-Romagna region (Italy), the Gruppo Tematico Informale-''Plant Health'' of the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences-DISTAL (University of Bologna) and the Department of Life Sciences (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia) organize the webinar...
The COST (European Cooperation in Science and Tecnology) Association organizes the webinar ''RNAi based pesticides: Environmental biosafety issues'', on 7 December 2020 at 04.00 pm.
Click on the link below to sign up:
Click on the link below to sign up:
Selection for the European Master ''Plant Health in Sustainable Cropping Systems (PlantHealth)'' are open.
The COST (European Cooperation in Science and Tecnology) Association organizes the webinar ''Development of RNAi based pesticides: new opportunities and environmental biosafety considerations'', on 1st December 2020 at 01.30 pm.
Click on the link below to sign...
Click on the link below to sign...
The University of Turin organizes the webinar ''Pandemics, globalisation, inequalities, progress; how to face the Anthropocene challenges'' within the FISV DAYS 2020, on 30 November at 10:00 am.To join, please mail...
The University of Palermo organizes the webinar ''Pandemics, globalisation, inequalities, progress; how to face the Anthropocene challenges'' within the FISV DAYS 2020, on 27 November 2020 at 04:30 pm.
To join, please mail...
To join, please mail...
The University of Trento and the Edmund Mach Foundation organize the webinar ''Pandemics, globalisation, inequalities, progress; how to face the Anthropocene challenges'' within the FISV DAYS 2020, on 26 November 2020 at 08:45 am.
To join, please mail to [email protected]
To join, please mail to [email protected]