F. Mazzini
doi: 10.4454/jpp.v98i4sup.3781
EU Directive 128/2009 defines a framework for the European activity aiming to the sustainable use of plant protection products. Along with the regulation for PPP’s authorization and that regarding the definition of the maximum residue level in food, the harmonization of the European legislation of PPPs can be considered completed. According to the directive each Member State must elaborate a specific National Action Plan (NAP). NAP should define the tools to reach the aims of the directive: reduce the risk and impact on human health, environment and biodiversity and promote the application of IPM (Integrated Pest Management) and alternative or not chemical methods. The tools chosen by the Italian NAP are: specific education system for PPP professional users, distributors and consultants, periodic check of spray equipment machines, the protection of waters and specific endangered areas, the promotion of sustainable pest and disease control strategies in Integrated and Organic Production. NAP’s tools and measures have to be harmonized with rural development policy defined by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forests within the programs of rural development and support schemes, as well as conditionality and measures relating to the common organization of the market.