9th International Conference of the IUFRO Working Party 7.02.09: Phytophthora in Forests and Natural Ecosystems. 21-25 October 2019, La Maddalena
From 21 to 25 October 2019 (La Maddalena) at Aula Magna “P. Longobardo” of Marina Militare, the 9° International Congress on “IUFRO Working Party 7.02.09: Phytophthora in Forests and Natural Ecosystems” will be organized by the Dept of Agriculture, Plant Pathology and Enthomology Section (SPaVE) (Università degli Studi di Sassari) and by the Ente Parco Nazionale dell’Arcipelago di La Maddalena.
Info: https://www.iufrosardinia2019.org/
Contact: dott. Bruno Scanu, Tel. 0039 079 229296;iufrosardinia2[email protected]