The Journal of Plant Pathology (JPP) is the international journal of the Italian Phytopathological Society (S.I.Pa.V), covering fundamental and applied aspects of plant pathology. JPP will publish original contribution on mycology, bacteriology, virology, physiological plant pathology, plant-parasite interactions, post-harvest diseases, non infectious diseases, and plant protection.
Enter the Journal of Plant Pathology archives 1998-2017
The aim of the Journal of Plant Pathology (JPP), the international journal of the Italian Phytopathological Society, is to publish results of research on fundamental and applied aspects of plant pathology. Contributions in the field of mycology, bacteriology, phytoplasmatology, virology, physiological plant pathology, plant-parasite interactions, post-harvest diseases, non-infectious diseases and plant protection are welcome. All contributions will be peer reviewed under the supervision of an international Editorial Board.
SIPaV Membership include the JPP subscription
Since 2018 the Journal of Plant Pathology was published by Springer
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Enter the Journal of Plant Pathology archives 1998-2017
The aim of the Journal of Plant Pathology (JPP), the international journal of the Italian Phytopathological Society, is to publish results of research on fundamental and applied aspects of plant pathology. Contributions in the field of mycology, bacteriology, phytoplasmatology, virology, physiological plant pathology, plant-parasite interactions, post-harvest diseases, non-infectious diseases and plant protection are welcome. All contributions will be peer reviewed under the supervision of an international Editorial Board.